Your shipping status has been updated. Below is the list of ordered products that have been updated with new tracking number. {{#if fulfillment.tracking_number}} {{#if fulfillment.is_tracking_number_url}} You can track your shipment with {{ fulfillment.tracking_number }} link. {{else}} You can track your shipment with {{ fulfillment.tracking_number }} code. {{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if physical_lines}} {{#each physical_lines}} {{#if order_line.variant_name}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{/each}}
Item Quantity
{{order_line.product_name}} ({{order_line.variant_name}}){{order_line.product_name}}{{quantity}}
{{/if}} {{#if digital_lines}} {{#each digital_lines}} {{#if order_line.variant_name}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{/each}}
Item Download Link
{{order_line.product_name}} ({{order_line.variant_name}}){{order_line.product_name}} Link
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